We recently received this Styling Head from ELC. Betty has wanted one for a long time and so is very happy indeed (I remember spending much of my childhood wanting one too, but my mum wouldn't wouldn't allow it, and told me to brush my own hair instead).
I have seen many of these dolls in the shops, but this one seems far superior to the others I have seen. Some of the faces look really scary/distorted, and are just too small to be realistic - but this one has a kind gentle face, thick glossy hair, and is the right size.
I have a nightmare every single morning trying to brush Betty's long thick tangled locks - she is a moving, squirming, moaning target, and we normally end up falling out, and me threatening to cut all her hair off.
So: if I completely tangle up the hair on this styling head, and shake it around and shout a lot while she is trying to make her look nice, she might gain an insight into what I have to go through every single morning. Of course, once my point has been made, I will leave her in peace to play and have fun with it.
This head costs £22.00, it comes with 13 accessories including brush, clips, and make-up, I am really pleased with it. I am looking forward to having a little play myself.