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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Is going green right for you?

You’ve seen all the celebrities do it and heard all the news about why it’s important, but it’s only natural to still have questions about what it means to go green and how it will impact your family. Switching to renewable energy is likely to benefit your loved ones and your household budget in many ways, but before you take the leap, it’s important to learn all that you can.

Going green - What are the benefits?

Whether you choose to install a renewable energy system such as solar panels into your home, or simply start using a green electricity supplier, you can break the cycle that often comes with using an energy supplier that relies on fossil fuels to produce power. This includes the ‘Big Six’ suppliers, who have gained a lot of bad press for raising energy prices on consumers when they are most vulnerable. The primary benefit of switching to renewable energy is that you are less likely to experience price hikes. This makes for a greater peace of mind and a more stable household budget.

However, there are greater benefits associated with going green when you consider your own health and the wellbeing of the environment. Burning coal, oil, and gas emits carbon into the atmosphere, which has been proven to cause a great shift in the way our environment works. Carbon has caused such a rapid change that organisations like the Energy Saving Trust supports the UK’s goal of increasing green energy in order to garner 15 per cent of the power it uses from clean sources by 2020. Using renewable energy sources such as wind power and, to a lesser extent, solar power is a way to meet the energy needs of UK residents without further damage to the atmosphere. You can become a part of that by switching to green energy for your household.

Using green energy may also lead to other healthy green habits, such as buying your produce and meats from local suppliers, which cuts down on the carbon emitted during the transportation of foods. This also ensures that you know exactly where your food is coming from and gives you the opportunity to ask the producer if sustainable methods were used to farm it. Other green changes that are good for your family include biking to work and school instead of driving, as well as using natural cleaners free of unhealthy chemicals.

If you’re ready to make the switch, don’t think that you have to invest thousands of pounds in solar equipment or install wind turbines in your back garden. Green energy has become increasingly accessible over the past decade, and you can get on board fairly quickly by making a call to one of the renewable energy companies in your area. You’ll readily find that using green energy doesn’t have to be all that different from the energy that you use now, except for the peace of mind that you’ll get from knowing that your energy is clean and environmentally beneficial. 

This is a sponsored post written by Michael Edmondstone of Forward